Thursday, January 17, 2008

LA Weight Loss/Pure Weight Loss centers closed down

Amidst the nonstop diet and weight loss commercials that are besieging us this month with unprecedented intensity, have you noticed the silence from the country’s largest weight loss chain? For years, you couldn’t turn on the television without seeing an ad for LA Weight Loss Centers — the corporate-owned outlets renamed 'Pure Weight Loss' last year.

But that's no more, because Pure Weight Loss, Inc. (formerly LA Weight Loss Centers) based in Horsham, Pennsylvania, went out of business on January 4th — shutting down all 400 corporate centers across the country — and leaving countless numbers of consumers high and dry. Unsuspecting customers had prepaid unfathomable amounts of money for expensive weight loss products, diet bars and “nutrition” supplements... money they aren’t likely to ever see.

Barry Goodman, owner of the center in Fort Meyers, Florida, issued a press statement to its 300 customers, saying the LA Weight Loss franchise closed “due to market conditions beyond our control.”

U.S. Bankruptcy Court documents in Philadelphia, reportedly show the company filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy on Friday and had more than 100,000 creditors and estimated its liabilities at $10 million to $50 million. Annual revenues had been reported as $44.9 million.

Read it all!

Sandy at Junkfood Science has a report on the closings as well as the customers that were defrauded out of millions. If there were a magic pill or special food that would cause people to lose weight permanently, there would be no fat medical people, okay?

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