Sunday, January 13, 2008

Anti-War Harridans Abort Demonstation in Little Havana

Code Pinkos make spectacles of themselves yet again because it is the only attention they’re likely to get.

Peace activists in pink dresses and tiaras demanded the arrest of anti-communist militant Luis Posada Carriles Saturday, but aborted plans for a demonstration in Little Havana after Carriles supporters rushed their vehicle.The six activists, of the Codepink anti-war group, had planned to speak to reporters outside the landmark Versailles restaurant to publicize their campaign against Carriles– a former CIA operative wanted in Venezuela in connection with the 1976 bombing of a Cuban airliner.However they were met by some 200 irate Cuban-Americans who consider Carriles a champion of freedom. Some ran at the activists’ truck as they arrived, tearing off its pink fringe, while others shouted sexist slurs.


Gosh, some pro-Fidel demonstrators got their feelings all hurt when their whole purpose there was to stir up trouble. What a pity.

I file this under “some people just really, really a good ass-kicking”.

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