Saturday, January 26, 2008

Early Voting in Florida/Rant

Like I suspect many people did, I waited for the final debates in Florida before voting for a candidate. I did not vote based on whether or not the candidate shared my religious views, something which seems to be of much greater importance to the press than it is to the ordinary voter. I did not vote based on what they promised for the future. I voted based on past performance.

You see, there are several things important to me in a candidate. We lost our family business after 9/11, and I never want to see terrorists hitting our country like that again. A person that I believe can be trusted to take care of national security is very important to me.

As a person who has been self-employed for 30 years and just took a salaried job last September, I know just how important it is to reform the tax laws in order to keep our economy strong. Sarbanes-Oxley needs to go. Corporate tax rates need to be cut. As the ol’ saying goes, I never got a job (or a great deal of business) from a poor person. Why is the government even talking about giving tax rebates to people that do not pay taxes? That’s crazy. How about (wild idea here) giving tax rebates back to the people that actually pay taxes?

Control of illegal immigration is another thing that I’m ticked off at Washington about. Those people are insulated from the effects of illegal immigrants displacing American citizens from jobs. The young men without educations that used to go into construction or maintenance jobs and still earn a pretty decent living can no longer do so because the jobs have been filled at a lower rate of pay by unskilled workers from Mexico and places south. Narcotrafficers can travel in and out of the country unchecked. I’m more tired than I can say of illegal aliens killing citizens and then fleeing back across the border where they are protected. I’m also very worried that if these people can travel back and forth, then who else may be coming through our borders?

I would like to see an actual sane energy policy coming out of Washington instead of some starry-eyed environmentalist on crack bullsh**. No, I don’t believe that turning corn into fuel is going to be the energy future and anybody with any common sense doesn’t, either. Right now, we have an oil-based economy so I suggest that we exploit it instead of worrying about polar bears which, if they cannot tolerate a tiny little portion of the ANWR being drilled in, deserve to go extinct. (And if you look at that wasteland, you do not see polar bears lounging about.) Cuba and China are drilling off of Florida’s coast, so why the hell isn’t America?

Well, as I have said, I’m less interested in what a politician tells me he/she is going to do for me than I am in looking at what he (or she) has done in the past. While looking at a candidate’s job performance in the past is no guarantee of future good behavior, hiring a candidate that has lied to and stolen from his/her past employers is only asking for trouble.

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