Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Critics Say NASA's New Rocket Program Flawed

CAPE CANAVERAL - The rocket that NASA is betting on to return humans to space after the space shuttle retires is in trouble.

Assailed by a loud chorus of critics, hobbled by a lack of money and beset by technical problems, the Ares I launch vehicle is suffering from a growing perception that it is another NASA project that will never get off the ground.

In particular, some critics have urged that NASA ditch the untested Ares, a so-called "stick" rocket powered by five segments of the solid rocket boosters used on the shuttle, in favor of the Atlas V401, which is already used by the military and CIA to reliably launch spy satellites into orbit.

Read the rest.

I certainly hate to hear of more problems bedeviling the Space Coast. Rather than wasting money, I view the expenditure of funds on exploring space a good investment in mankind's survival.

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